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RE News

For our latest R.E newsletters, please click here.

 Class Nativities

Children across school have been very busy practising their songs and lines for each  class nativity. They have loved performing and retelling the story of the very first Christmas! 


Advent Assembly

Year 4 began the advent period with a wonderful assembly for the parents, carers and children of St John's! They explained beautifully the true meaning of advent and the meaning of the wreath, the candles and the time of waiting.

Winter Woolies Collection 

Our school Faith in Action group delivered a short assembly to introduce this half term's charity project collecting 'Winter Woolies' for vulnerable children and adults in our local community including the homeless. Our collections will go to the Whitechapel centre and Nugent Care.

Faith in Action

Our school Faith in Action group planned and carried out a 'Messy in school' afternoon for Year 1 children and their parents. This session was Harvest themed and the children had lots of fun taking part in activities linked to Harvest and the miracle 'The feeding of the 5000'.



Cathedral Trip


Year 5 choir children, accompanied by Mr Menezes and Mrs Cairns, took part in the Good shepherd mass for nugget care at the Metropolitan Cathedral on Wednesday 28th June. Our children sang beautifully and made us very proud.

CAFOD Assembly 

Justine from CAFOD visited our school to launch the 'Brighten up' appeal. We learnt about the work CAFOD does across the globe and can't wait to raise money next term when we do our CAFOD Santa dash. 

Harvest Festival 

Year 5 children led a whole school Harvest festival in church. This was attended by our school and parish community. Thank you for all your kind donations which have been delivered to a local foodbank distribution centre ready to be sent to where they are needed locally.

Holy Communion



Year 3 Retreat Day

Year 3 travelled to the St. Joseph’s Centre in Formby to enjoy their RE. Retreat Day. The focus of the day was ‘friendship and working together' to find out how the day went, please click here.

Faith Friends

Faith Friends is an extracurricular group formed from pupils in Years  5 and 6 who, meet  to talk about ways in which they can put their faith into action both in school and in the community. Sometimes this involves craft work and other times it may involve leading others in prayer. So far Faith Friends have led both the Advent and Lenten assemblies as well as planned and led assemblies for Peace Day and Earth Day.

For more information, or if you would like to get involved, check out their page in the Extra Curricular clubs section, here.


Metropolitan Cathedral

Year 5 visited the Metropolitan Cathedral to celebrate the year of mercy and take part in a pilgrimage of mercy, starting at the Holy Door. They participated in many discussions as they were shown around the Cathedral. Those working for the Cathedral were very impressed with the children’s knowledge and understanding and the interesting questions that they asked. Additionally, the children were praised for their exemplary behaviour and respect. Year 5 were specially chosen to participate in this pilgrimage, as they will have the opportunity to create their own Holy Door at St. John’s.

Faith Garden

Our Faith garden is now open and the children and staff are really enjoying using it for Collective worship. Please click here for more pictures.

Feast of St Peter and St Paul 29th June

To celebrate the feast day of St Peter and St Paul the whole school had a picnic in our year groups.

First Holy Communion and Confirmation

Congratulations to our Year 4 children who made their First Holy Communion and Confirmation. The children were a real credit to you and we were extremely proud of them. Bishop Tom was very impressed. Many thanks to all our parents, carers, teachers and catechists who helped make this such a memorable occasion. The children will keep these memories forever. 

Year 4 Communion Party

For more pictures of Holy Communion please click here.

Catholic Archdiocese Monitoring Visit

We recently received an R.E monitoring which went extremely well. It was led by Father Melly from the Christian Education Team, for a whole day. He was extremely impressed by the teaching, quality of Collective Worship and the children’s behaviour and work. He wrote to praise our school and thank us for his enjoyable visit. In this letter he stated “From the moment I stepped into the school I felt God’s presence. But that is only to be expected in a school where there is so much love and care shown.”


The money raised by the school for Cafod was £739.45, this total will be matched by the government. This money will be used for a range of different campaigns around the world such as buying starter pack’s for children to start school and buying animals for farmers allowing them to be self-sufficient etc. Many thanks to the children and their parents for their kindness and generosity.

The Good Shepard Appeal

Many thanks to the children for supporting our Good Shepherd fundraising appeal. We raised a total of £108 from our Easter egg raffle which will go towards helping children in our local area.