Curriculum Information
Autumn Term 1
Our planned topic was All About Me. This gave the children the opportunity to share their likes and dislikes, make friends and to settle into nursery routines.
Autumn Term 2
The theme for this term was Celebrations. The children enjoyed learning about Divali, Bonfire night, Birthdays and Christmas. This term ended with a trip to see Father Christmas.
Spring Term 1
We based this topic on the book Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers which is about a boy and a penguin and his adventure to the South Pole.
We had a penguin visit us who went off looking for his family and sent us postcards from his travels. The highlight for the children was helping the penguins escape from blocks of ice.
Spring Term 2
This term we will use nursery rhymes as a stimulus starting with 10 Green Bottles which was maths based, counting, ordering and capacity.
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star took us to space and the building of a rocket.
Spring chicken involved us going for a Spring walk and The Easter Story.
The children will have the opportunity to taste food from different cultures in our topic Food Around the World
Summer 1
This term the children will learn about People Who Help Us within our communities.
Summer 2
In our topic Under the Sea the children will learn about different sea creatures and listen to exciting stories about pirates and mermaids.