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Food Team

Liverpool Food In Schools Team

St John's values the importance of a healthy lifestyle for all its school community. 

As such we have working closely with the Healthy Schools Team to help children and parents make informed choices about eating healthy foods. 

Mrs Pugh, PHSE coordinator at St John's has been working closely with Kate, our new St John's cook and the Food Team.



At the start of the year the Liverpool Healthy Food Schools Team provided an information stand for the parents and carers of children starting in Reception. The team provides information, leaflets and healthier packed lunch ideas and resources. 

A visual display of the amount of sugar and fat in popular packed lunch items proved popular. 

Heidi Evans from the team met parents and carers, explaining the benefits of healthy school meals in order to increase free school meal applicants in our school. 

KS2 Children's Workshops

Heidi returned to St John's this term to provide "Eatwell Plate" workshops for Year 5. The children participated in practical cooking food sessions focusing on the importance of making healthy informed choices. They enjoyed cooking chicken byriani which linked to their "Keeping Healthy" science topic.


Our Nursery children and parents joined Heidi to make a chicken pasta salad. Healthy food choices were discussed and parents and carers worked together with their children during the practical workshop. 

Winter Warmer Healthy Food Sessions

Recently, parents and children have had the opportunity to join in cooking sessions with Heidi and Mrs Pugh after school. These practical food sessions have seen families cooking Winter Warmer and discussing recipes on a budget.