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‘Today’s children and young people are growing up in a rapidly changing world, full of opportunities but with few guarantees. PSHE education is the school subject which prepares them for life and work in this changing world, helping to keep pupils safe, healthy and boosting their life chances.’

PSHE Association, A curriculum for life.


PSHE at St. John’s

At St. John's, we pride ourselves on valuing all children, whatever their ability or age. We believe this is supported by Personal, Social, Health and Economic education (PSHE - inclusive of the statutory RSHE). These subjects interlink to develop the ‘whole child’, equipping them with the fundamental knowledge, skills and attributes to prepare them for future life and to tackle today’s societal hurdles – empowering them to be responsible, healthy and independent citizens. Evidence shows PSHE education’s impact in a number of areas, including emotional wellbeing, physical health, academic attainment, and preparation for work. In addition to our PSHE curriculum, children follow the 'Journey in Love' curriculum which supports a Catholic school's teaching of the statutory RSE. (More information about this can be found on our RSHE page).

To ensure high standards of teaching and learning in PSHE, we implement a ‘spiral curriculum’, which ensures progression throughout the school, year upon year. The PSHE curriculum at St. John’s uses recommendations from a variety of quality-marked associations, though it is carefully tailored and adapted to meet the needs of our pupils, through the use of key local and national health data. This data informs our programme of study and ensures that learning is relevant, bespoke and ambitious for today’s cohort.

It is a comprehensive curriculum which promotes emotional literacy amongst our pupils and upholds the British Values. We place an emphasis on active learning by facilitating child-led discussions, role-play, investigations and problem-solving activities. Children are encouraged to take part in activities beyond the curriculum to enhance their PSHE learning, such as our 'Eco Warriors' group, School Council, expert visitors, topical assemblies and our Picture News 'big questions'. 

We feel our St. John's ethos gives our children a clear indication of what's right and wrong, whilst feeling safe and aiming to promote a healthy lifestyle. We also put the mental wellbeing of our children at the forefront; this is exemplified by the ‘zones of regulation’ boards in each classroom where children can identify and discuss their emotions openly. Our whole school celebration assemblies are also a special way in which we celebrate success too.

We are extremely proud of the way in which our school community works together to promote a healthy, stimulating environment where children can learn happily. 


PSHE Documents: 




To view or download our Early Years PSHE Progression Map. Please click here.