Remembrance Poems
Remembrance Day Poetry
Lest we forget
Lest we forget those who were shot,
To let us live, we’d die if they had not.
Those brave men,
Who fought them,
To protect us.
In the fields of Flanders full of mud,
There are lots of poppies that are good.
There they stay,
On disturbed land.
A hundred years ahead.
Everyone lifts up their head.
They show a smile,
Then display their poppy with pride.
To show their respect,
Lest we all forget.
The 11th of November.
By Luke
My Pretty Poppy Poem
When poppies grow through the ground
Everyone is silent not making a sound.
Remember the hard times
In which soldiers had died.
The poppies all give joy and hope
To those who just cannot cope.
When you see the beautiful red poppy
Always stop, think and remember.
A poppy represents those who fought in the hardest war.
We will remember them for ever more.
Risking their lives I don’t know how they done it.
So wear a poppy and never forget all the soldiers have done their bit.
By Yasmin
Poppies grow
Wearing poppies for the dead,
As red as pure blood shot in the head
Lying dead in a coffin bed,
Lets all take cover in an underground shed.
Resting my head on a bed,
Waiting for the war to stop
So we can start to pray.
When the war stops standing tall like a wall,
As the winners have their pictures in Saint George’s Hall.
If they die the families will start to cry,
All they want is a kiss to say good bye.
All the soldiers risked their lives,
To save their country for their wives.
To fight the wars for us all,
Even though they saved us all.
So never forget Flanders Fields,
Flanders fields will never go,
Unless a war comes and goes.
By Anthony
Red Remembrance
Remember, Remember the 11th of November
All is calm, all is cool
Back in 1939, there were a lot of muddy pools.
A lot of people were hurt,
Including my Great-great granddad Bert.
The poppies are red,
To represent the blood,
Which is probably covered in mud.
In Flanders Fields,
I shall go,
Then the poppies will start to grow.
Soldiers, marching up and down,
Enemies not to be found.
Hiding in the hedges, with bombs,
Blowing up some small ponds.
So wear our poppies with pride,
So we can remember those who have died.
By Isabel
11 TH November remembrance day comes,
To respect the soldiers shot with guns.
In the place of their death poppies grow,
Because Germany hit an all-time low.
How you can remember and respect,
You honour them, make their life perfect.
Don’t forget the soldiers that saved our lives,
Who were tortured with guns and knives.
Poppies represent the people who we lost,
Risking their lives no matter what cost.
St George’s Hall remember now,
All just for them how?
On Flanders Fields they had a fight,
Up above way up high a twinkly light.
It’s so unfortunate you have to die,
But sadly I’m saying goodbye.
On the 11 TH of the 11 TH at 11 o clock,
Remember the Soldiers hearts that had to stop.
So go to St Georges Hall pay your respects,
And remember with poppies.
By Lewis
In Flanders field they stand,
That’s where they stand row by row,
Wear a poppy today,
To show love not just for the ones that have falling,
But for the ones who have lived on,
Remember the eleventh hour
Of the eleventh day,
Of the eleventh month
Because that is when they risked their lives,
So wear a poppy today.
Remember their families,
The mums who lost their sons,
I couldn’t cope just like them
So wear a poppy today.
Remembrance Day Poem
Poppies are colourful
Poppies are great.
They grow in Flanders fields
With their shields.
You see people wear them
To show respect
For the soldiers.
Soldiers fought for our country
They didn’t deserve to die.
I feel so gloomy
When I think of Flanders fields.
I see the soldiers
Fighting war.
The war is over
Now it’s gone.
Hitler is dead
And now war is over.
So we thank the soldiers that give their lives
To keep us alive
R.I.P to all the soldiers
The Pure Poppy
The poppies grew in the fields of France,
In the wind they seem to dance.
Prancing through the fields of France;
The soldiers aren’t in the mood to dance.
Danger’s lurking round the corner,
There’s a scary gunner.
Hitler, Hitler hated the Jews;
I wonder why he loved to choose.
WW2 was started by Hitler,
I wonder why he was really so bitter?
Italy, Italy ended the war;
I think England wanted more.