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Military School

St John's was recently visited by the UK Military School, who put our Year 4 troops through a day of activities to promote teamwork and problem solving. 

Building A Shelter

We had to work together to build a shelter to protect us from the elements and keep us warm and dry.
Each group came up with different ideas.
 It was hard work but we got there in the end without any of us getting injured.

Team Building


These activities showed us the importance of listening to each other, co-operating and working as a team.

In one activity we had to use a rope to lift a ‘can of Tizer’ clear of a ‘mine field’.


Some of us nearly got ‘blown up’ in the process.


They were very challenging and it took some groups longer than others to work out how to do it.


You could hear the cheers as far as the middle of town when we eventually succeeded.


Bush skills


We learned about how the soldiers survive in places like Afghanistan and were amazed at how much they have to carry in their rucksacks.

We had a go at using flint and cotton wool balls to light a fire on which we cooked a delicious chicken curry.
Packed food has never tasted so good!

Assault Course 

A challenging but enjoyable day ended with the assault course – much more fun than the real thing !

For all the pictures of the day, click here to view the full gallery.