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It is also extremely important that your child arrives on time for school each day. Even being a few minutes late disrupts their education as well as other children in their class. 

  • Arriving 5 minutes late each day means 3 school days lost.


  • Arriving 15 minutes late each day means 10 school days lost.


  • Arriving 30 minutes late each day means 20 school days.

Children are encouraged to arrive on time as lessons follow immediately after registration. If your child is late, please call at the school office so that dinners can be booked. 

Late children need to enter via the main entrance, not through the classroom doors, which will be locked once the children have entered school.

If your child has an appointment and will be arriving at school late, please inform the school so that a dinner can be ordered.

Punctuality is crucial to your child’s education and development of good habits.  It is the parent’s responsibility.  Children who arrive late are missing out on valuable learning time.