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Attendance and Punctuality

Attendance Matters!

Research shows that children who attend school regularly and on time are most likely to be more successful in their exams, careers and adult life. 

It is important that children attend school on a regular basis and on time to ensure that progress is made.  A child who misses school often will not only see an impact on their learning and education; they will also lack important socialisation and communication skills that they gain through playing and talking with their peers during break and lunchtimes. 

Days off school add up to lost learning: 

Our Attendance Team: 

  • Miss D Maudsley – Headteacher
  • Miss K McSteen – Designated Attendance Lead and Assistant Headteacher
  • Miss C Robinson – Attendance and Punctuality Officer
  • Local Authority -  EWO

The local authority expect schools to achieve 97% for a whole school year.

Please click here to view our attendance policy in our School Policies section.

School Attendance Data 2023 - 2024

Autumn Term 2023  95%
Spring Term 2024 95%
Summer Term 2024  

School Attendance Data 2022 - 2023 

Autumn Term 2022  95%
Spring Term 2023 95%
Summer Term 2023 95%

School Attendance Data 2021 - 2022 

 Autumn Term 2021 94%
Spring Term 2022 94%
Summer Term 2022 94%

Celebrating Good Attendance at St.John's

Class Piggy Banks

Each week in Assembly, we look at our whole school attendance and the attendance for each class. This is presented on a bar chart and the aim is to get on or above the 98% line. For those classes who reach this target and succeed, a gold coin representing £5 is added to their class piggy banks. Then, at the end of the academic year, each class has the opportunity to spend their piggy bank money and celebrate! 

Piggy Bank - Cartoon - Free Transparent PNG Download - PNGkey

Weekly Raffle Prize Draw 

During our weekly assembly, those children who have had 100% attendance for the week are entered into a raffle prize draw. Miss Maudsley reveals the winner and they receive a special attendance prize. 

Termly Attendance Celebration Assembly

Every term, we celebrate those children who have 100% attendance for the whole term. We also take this as an opportunity to award those children with improved attendance and punctuality. Children receive special certificates, books and other special prizes. 


Our Class Attendance 

Each class in our school has this displayed in their classroom. Each day, the class complete this and collectively decide where their 'Attendance Hero' is flying for that day. 

Children's Attendance Records 

The pupils in St.John's know the importance of attending school every day. They each have their own personal attendance records which are laminated and kept in their trays. During registration time each morning and afternoon, whilst the class teacher takes the register, each pupil completes their own record. Class teachers give their own additional attendance rewards based on the completion of these records.