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Look what we have been up to!

Computing: In computing with Miss Rogan, we have been using pixel art. We began using 1s and 0s to create our initials before creating simple shapes.

Art: This term we have been working on collage based on the work of Emma Briggs. Here we are practising our skills.

World Book Day: We dressed up as characters from our favourite stories and spent the day celebrating our love of books, especially our current author study - Tom Fletcher!

Times Tables Stay & Play:  Thank you so much to all our grown-ups who joined us for our times tables stay and play session! We had great fun showing you all the fun games we play to learn our times tables. 

Electrical Christmas Cards: Year 4 used their scientific knowledge of electricity and circuits to make their own light- up cards. The children loved designing, making and evaluating the cards!

Santa Dash:  Our school participates in a Santa Dash each year to raise money for CAFOD. Y4 loved seeing how many laps they could complete, whilst singing to Christmas songs- all for a great cause!

Science: Digestive System

Geography: During our rivers topic, the children got to have a go at replicating mountain contour lines using Play-Doh.

First Aid: Year 4 had an excellent time learning the basics of first aid. Every child got to perform CPR on a teddy bear!

ADVENT: Year 4 began the advent period with a wonderful assembly for the parents, carers and children of St cath John's! They explained beautifully the true meaning of advent and the meaning of the wreath, the candles and the time of waiting.


SCIENCE: Year 4 have been working collaboratively to make simple circuits, including switches. We can't wait to use our knowledge to make light up Christmas cards!


RE: For RE, we looked closely at how we can show love to one another. We came up with many ways to replicate God's love for us in our daily lives. 


History! What a fantastic day in Roman Chester being soldiers and learning all about the Roman way of living!