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- Mrs Newton and Mrs Melarangi's Group
Mrs Newton and Mrs Melarangi's Group
In English this half term we have enjoyed our traditional tales topic where we read, retold , acted and wrote character descriptions for Goldilocks and the Three bears, Little Red Riding hood, The Three Billygoats Gruff and Jack and the Beanstalk.
This was followed by our Superheroes topic when we explored the adventures of Traction Man, written by Mini Grey. We enjoyed listening to the stories, discussing and sequencing the events that happened to Traction Man. We each chose our favourite book.
This was followed by our Superheroes topic when we explored the adventures of Traction Man, written by Mini Grey. We enjoyed listening to the stories, discussing and sequencing the events that happened to Traction Man. We each chose our favourite book.
In maths, we have explored different ways of showing data using pictograms and block graphs. We learnt how to tally.
We have worked on counting in twos, fives and tens which helps us to understand and learn our times tables.