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中文午餐班 Chinese Mandarin


中文午餐班 Chinese Mandarin Lunch Classes!


你好!Ni hao!

Children from Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 are all welcome to join Chinese Mandarin Class.

We learn about Chinese culture and Mandarin language through playing games, watching videos, singing songs and participating in various activities.

We have two sessions during lunch break every Tuesday:

12:00-12:30 for Year 3

12:45-13:15 for Year 4,5,6

We created a ‘Chinese Inventions’ resource pack, a  ‘Chinese New Year’ pack and produced a story book about a monster called“Nian”.

We learn about Chinese foods, our school lunch menu, pets/animals, families and ourselves, numbers and colours using Chinese Mandarin language.

Come to join our Chinese Mandarin Lunch Classes!
