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Year 5

Welcome to Year 5


Our Year 5 teachers are Mrs James in Class 5JMiss Grindley in Class 5G, 

with teaching support from Mrs O'Connell. 

We are supported in Year 5 by Mrs Preston and Mrs Evans our teaching assistants. 







Accelerator Reader/Reading Plus

We have been working hard to improve our reading skills and love that we can use our own iPad every day. We challenge ourselves on Reading Plus and try to top the leader board every week.


Reading Expectations

Regularly reading aloud to an adult both at home and school remains a vital part of children’s learning throughout Year 5 as it develops fluency, expression, accuracy and comprehension. We expect the children to read daily at home using their Accelerated Reader reading book and to write a short comment in their reading records. We encourage both children and parents to comment in the reading records as it allows us to see both progress of reading and also the child's experience of reading their book.  Once the home reading book is finished, the children will complete a quiz on Accelerated Reader based on their book. This will assess how well the children have read and understood their book whilst also practising their comprehension skills. Once the quiz has been completed, the child can swap their book. We complete termly assessments on Accelerated Reader to ensure that every child's book is accurately matched to their reading level. 

All children have access to the school and class library, class novels, MyON, Reading Plus and Accelerated Reader.To encourage children’s reading, Year 5 children are given the opportunity to change their library books weekly in the school library.


Times Tables 

Children are expected to practise their times tables daily, and should be able to quickly recall facts up to 12 x 12 


Children will be given weekly spelling, literacy (reading/writing) and mathematics homework. Any additional homework will be topic based, e.g. science, geography etc. Homework is expected to be of the same high quality presentation as we see in the children’s school books. We are proud of our children’s presentation and wish to see this in all areas of their work.


Year 5 children go swimming on Tuesday (PM)

Children will need:
-    Swimming trunks/Full swimming costume (no bikinis)
-    Swimming cap
-    Towel
-    Googles (not essential but if wanted)


Curriculum Information

Please see the Year 5 HAST forms and our Curriculum plan for the curriculum subjects taught over the year. We encourage children to read around and research these curriculum subjects and topics as a support to their independent learning skills.  

We are looking forward to an exciting year of topic related visits with trips to enrich the children’s learning experiences.

To see Year 5's Curriculum plans, H.A.S.T forms, Class information forms, R.E Curriculum, please click here and information about our phonics reading programme, Read Write Incplease click here.


Learning at home Parent and Carer booklet.

This short leaflet covers the Core Concepts and ideas that your child will need to know this year..

You will find suggestions for games to play, activities to do and websites to access to support you, as your support your child.

Please click here