Stay and Be Creative Week 1
Stay and Be Creative
There has been much excitement in the nursery this term as we held our three sessions for parents and carers to stay and be creative. This proved to be great fun and we were pleased with the response from the adults as to how much they enjoyed it.
Activities included: dough making, big art, rockets from a bottle, aliens in underpants, making musical instruments and paper flower making.
We started our sessions each week with a story and a mathematical activity. In the first session we read Aliens in Underpants. The children then had fun ordering our fantastic alien underpants on our classroom washing line.
Once off the carpet the fun started with our alien themed activities.
Fun with the dough making
Parents and children learnt how to make play dough. They even got a bag of play dough to take home from the session.
To make your own play dough.
1 cup of plain flour
½ cup of salt
2 tsp of crème of tartar
1 cup of water
And a splash of food colouring.
Put all the ingredients in the a bowl and mix into a smooth dough.
Cook in the microwave for 3 minutes.
You can even add smells to your dough by adding lavender flowers, aroma oils etc. To add sparkle to your dough, once cooked sprinkle in some glitter.
Dough Aliens in Underpants.
Once we had made our dough for the day the dough aliens started to arrive. Of course they wore the most amazing underpants. Well every alien loves underpants!
Using dough helps children to build strength in their hands and arms. It helps their fine motor skills develop, which is important for writing. It also encourages children to use their imagination and become more creative.
Big Art Outer Space.
We worked on some big art which was out of this world! We used paint and glitter to create some beautiful scenes of outer space.
We squirted, splatted, threw and dripped paint onto our black night sky.
Cosmic Musical Instruments.
We made mystical instruments to create cosmic noises on our musical instrument making table.
Painting and Collage Aliens.
We painted wonderful alien paintings and stuck on lots of eyes. One little girl even turned her daddy into an alien by giving him extra eyes.
Once our paintings were dry we make them each a pair of exquisitely decorated underpants.