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Eco-Warrior Project

As a school, we have been making a conscious effort to improve our environment for wildlife. We began by learning all about our environment, locally, nationally and globally. We took a trip to Knowsley Safari park where we explored lots of endangered animals and learnt all about how we can protect them.

Then, we focussed our efforts within our school grounds. We took soil samples, to check it was suitable for plants, and we completed audits and surveys of our playground. Although we had started planting some wildflowers to encourage wildlife, they didn’t take very well and were being trampled on.


So, we joined forces with Nikki who came in once a month to help us. You may have noticed some slight changes to the tree area near the bike store. We worked really hard to turn this area into our own eco-garden. We have planted lots of new bushes and shrubs, added lots of bird feeders to the trees, installed bug hotels and hedgehog houses and even added a small planter to be used as a pond.

We would really like to encourage more wildlife into our playground and give them a safe space to live. The area we have worked on now has a small brown fence around it. Please stay out of this area unless you are with an adult. Thank you.