Home Reading Books/Accelerated Reader.
At St. John’s, we encourage our children to share their love of reading at home with their families. Children across the school enjoy time in our well resourced school library, discovering new books and authors recommended by their peers and staff that will captivate their interests and develop a real love of reading. They are able to take these books home to read for pleasure and share with their families.
Early Readers
Children working on their early reading skills take home phonics books that they have been reading in class linked to their reading level and sound knowledge. Children receiving phonics lessons take home 2 decodable reading books from Read Write Inc a week, one is a storybook that they have already read in class and another 'Book bag book' which is linked to their storybook. Please ensure book bags are in school every day as books are changed regularly.
Children in Early Years also take home a weekly nursery rhyme or song, often linked to their learning that week, to enjoy sharing with adults at home.
Accelerated Reader
Once children are confident in their phonics knowledge they move onto reading books linked to the Accelerated Reader programme from their class libraries with children in KS2 using these as their home reader when they are ready. Each book has been carefully selected for individual understanding of reading comprehension. This is based on an initial reading assessment that children complete at the beginning of each term, via the Accelerated Reader website (Star Reading assessment). The children also complete quizzes after each book to check their understanding and fluency.
Click here to find a book using Accelerated Reader Book Finder https://www.arbookfind.co.uk/UserType.aspx?RedirectURL=%2fdefault.aspx
All children have time in the library each week to pick a book to take home and enjoy as well their home reading book.
Help and tips for reading at home
Take a look at these top 10 tips for support your child when reading at home