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Year 3

Welcome to Year 3!

Our class teachers are Miss Speed in Class 3S and Mrs Melarangi and Mrs Newton in class 3MN

Miss Davies, who is part of our year three team, is currently enjoying her maternity leave!

Our Teaching Assistants across year 3 and 4 are Mrs Diggines, Mrs Preston and Mrs O'Sullivan.

This is an important year for our children as they move from Key Stage 1 into Key Stage 2, and we do all that we can to make it smooth, calm and rewarding for everyone. We cover lots of exciting topics, from Safe Relationships in P.S.H.E, Angry Earth in Geography, to Rock, Fossils and Soils in Science! Our Year Three team encourage all pupils to work hard, try their best and give 110% effort.

Important information for Parents/Guardians:

In Year Three at St. John's, pupils are expected to read aloud to a parent or guardian a minimum of three times a week. In addition to this, pupils are able to work to improve their reading by accessing Reading Plus, which everyone has individual log-ins for. Homework is set each Friday (spelling, maths and English) and is expected to be returned by the following Friday. 

Our P.E. day is Monday (p.m.) with Miss Wilson and our Library day is Thursday (p.m.). 

This year, in Maths, we focus predominantly on our three, four and eight times tables. We use a mixture of activities, games and Times Tables Rockstars to help support our learning within school, though we always appreciate your support with any additional practise at home!

One of our favourite topics is 'Myths and Legends' where we discover the Legend of Gelert, follow the adventures of Beowulf and add our own twists and innovations to some of the most historical myths and legends. We definitely have some budding young authors in our year group!




Another exciting topic we cover is the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age in History. We look at the way of life, the changes between these periods in time and what historical evidence tells us about life thousands of years ago. It's all very busy and exciting in Year Three!

Curriculum Information

To see Year 3's curriculum plans, H.A.S.T (Home and School Together) forms, Class information forms, R.E Curriculum, and information about our phonics reading programme, Read Write Incplease click here.


Maths At Home Booklet For Parents And Carers

This short leaflet covers the Core Concepts and ideas that your child will need to know this year..

You will find suggestions for games to play, activities to do and websites to access to support you, as your support your child.

     Please click here